Java Networking
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to basic networking and then builds the skills for network programming in Java. The class covers a number of Java technologies related to networking such as sockets, remote method invocation (RMI), JanaMail and Java naming and directory interface (JNDI).
Course Duration
2 days
Course Objectives
On completion of this course delegates should:
• Understand the network layered architecture and the principles of sockets programming
• Be able to establish connecting to a server using Java networking API
• Create URL connections in order to send and retrieve data from the web directly or through proxy servers
• Be able to work with the JavaMail API to create mail sessions, construct, send and retrieve messages and to search through a remote store
• Understand remote objects RMI architecture for developing distributed applications
• Be able to setup RMI, locate remote objects and pass parameters in remote methods
• Understand naming services, directory services and distributed computing directory
• Be able to use JNDI and LDAP for implementing distributed directory service
• Understand the network layered architecture and the principles of sockets programming
• Be able to establish connecting to a server using Java networking API
• Create URL connections in order to send and retrieve data from the web directly or through proxy servers
• Be able to work with the JavaMail API to create mail sessions, construct, send and retrieve messages and to search through a remote store
• Understand remote objects RMI architecture for developing distributed applications
• Be able to setup RMI, locate remote objects and pass parameters in remote methods
• Understand naming services, directory services and distributed computing directory
• Be able to use JNDI and LDAP for implementing distributed directory service
Course Content
Basic Networking
Network basics; layered architecture; client-server architecture; sockets and ports;
Networking with Java
Connecting to a server; implementing a server; serving multiple clients; advanced socket programming;
URL connections; sending and retrieving data from the web; proxy servers;
Java Mail
Email servers and clients; The JavaMail API; mail sessions; construct messages; sending and retrieving messages;
searching through a remote store
Distributed Computing Through RMI
Introduction to remote objects; RMI architecture; setting up RMI; locating remote objects; parameter passing in remote methods; RMI exceptions; developing applications with RMI; distributed garbage collection
Using JNDI
Naming services; directory services; distributed computing directory; JNDI and LDAP; installing JNDI; JNDI drivers ;
JNDI service providers; connecting to LDAP server; searching the LDAP
Further Networking Topics
Java messaging service JMS, RMI over IIOP; interacting with CORBA
Network basics; layered architecture; client-server architecture; sockets and ports;
Networking with Java
Connecting to a server; implementing a server; serving multiple clients; advanced socket programming;
URL connections; sending and retrieving data from the web; proxy servers;
Java Mail
Email servers and clients; The JavaMail API; mail sessions; construct messages; sending and retrieving messages;
searching through a remote store
Distributed Computing Through RMI
Introduction to remote objects; RMI architecture; setting up RMI; locating remote objects; parameter passing in remote methods; RMI exceptions; developing applications with RMI; distributed garbage collection
Using JNDI
Naming services; directory services; distributed computing directory; JNDI and LDAP; installing JNDI; JNDI drivers ;
JNDI service providers; connecting to LDAP server; searching the LDAP
Further Networking Topics
Java messaging service JMS, RMI over IIOP; interacting with CORBA
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at experienced Java Programmers who wish to enhance their knowledge of Java by utilising Java in a networking environment.
Candidates should have either completed c2’s Core Java Programming course or have a strong understanding and experience of using the Java language